Google Webmasters Tools


Google offers a certification programme for individuals to receive accreditation for passing a test, commonly known as Google Analytics Individual Certification. The test requires an individual to:
- Take a certification test comprising 70 questions
- Each individual is given 90 minutes to complete the test
- Each individual is allowed up to 120 hours to complete the test. So you can pause the test and return within the specified date limit to complete the test.
- You need to obtain at least 75% in order to attain the certification
- All questions are in Multiple Choice format.
 - You will know your result immediately after the test
- Your certificate will be available online for you to print out if you pass the test
- Each certificate is valid for 18 months from date of passing of test.

To help you with the test, you can view the videos at Conversion University.

For sample questions, click here.

Google Analytics Individual Certification